To: Thornhill Baseball Club Members

Date: April 16th, 2023

From: Tony Selina, President Thornhill Baseball

On October 19th, 2021 the Ontario Government passed “The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act” (for short – “ONCA”).

This new legislation provides Ontario Not-for-Profit corporations with updated requirements in terms of how they are governed.

Thornhill Baseball (the “Club”), being a Not-for-Profit Corporation will need to comply with this new legislation.

To comply, Thornhill Baseball has received legal advice from Sport Law (, a legal firm recommended by the Ontario Baseball Association, about specific governance changes which are required within our constitution (our bi-laws and governing document) which was last updated November 15th, 2018.

A special sub-committee established by the Board Directors, has reviewed the proposed changes by Sport Law and recommends that the Club adopt these changes.

In order to formally review and adopt these changes, the President of Thornhill Baseball is calling a Special Meeting of Members. This meeting will be held on April 27th at 7:30 pm (location to be confirmed).

This meeting in open to all Club members including the Board of Directors; registered coaches; assistant coaches; team managers; sponsors; umpires; registered players and/or parents and legal guardians of registered players.

To register for this meeting, including to be keep up to date with the final meeting logistics – most notability final location once confirmed, please email

The proposed set of governance changes can be found via